Tuesday 31 October 2017


These summer holidays I have to do my first pharmaceutical practice, I hope to do it in Talca in a pharmacy. This practice will last two week and I hope I can learn a lot.
I plan to go out with my university friends, maybe to Serena, Tabo, Cartagena or any other place. The idea is we have to fun and tan a little.
Also I plane to go out with my friends of Talca, normally we always camp for a few days, maybe we go to Vilches again or we go to the beach.
If I do not go out with them, I hope to spend a lot of time with my friends, since I usually only see them during the holidays and when I'm here in Santiago, I miss them a lot.

I do not plan to vacation with my parents because my father got a job recently, so he do not have a vacation this summer. I think that we could go to the beach for a weekend.
I like going to Linares in the holidays, I go to visit to my sister and my nephews, I always go for a few days. This summer I have to organize the baby shower for my nephew who is coming. I am very excited, I hope to do a good job and that everything goes well.
I would like to see many series and movies, I have many pending. Also I would like to do some sport this summer, maybe pole dance or any sport that keeps me active.
Finally this summer (like all the others :( ) I plan to work packing, because if I do not work there is no money to do everything I plan to do on vacation.

Tuesday 24 October 2017


I love animals, but above all I love dogs. I have two dogs Paquito and Pelusa.
Paquito arrived at the house 16 years ago, when I was 4 years old. A friend of my dad gave it to him, it was a big surprise for everyone.
Pelusa arrived at the house 4 years ago. We picked her up from the street, since she was alone on a very dangerous road. At first my parents wanted to find another home, but finally she stayed in our home.
It's hard to choose just one thing I like about them,so I'll make a list.
Paquito is very old, is blind and hears very little, therefore it is the baby of the house. He sleeps all day and just wakes up to eat. He likes to give many kisses, also likes to be carried around. In general, I like everything about him.
On the other hand, Pelusa likes to be caressed, also likes to give lots of kisses, and she is very fearful. I love taking her out for a walk when I'm at home, we both enjoy it a lot. I think what I like the most is that it is very affectionate.
The truth is that today I live without them, since my dogs are in Talca and it's very sad, I miss them so much. I miss that they bark and kiss me when I get home, play with them or caress them. I miss his presence. But I know that when I get home they will always be waiting for me with kisses and barks and that makes me very happy.

Saturday 14 October 2017


In the future I would like to do a postgraduate study abaout organic chemistry because so far is the area of chemistry that I like the most. Besides I think it is an area where many molecules and compounds can be studied that can improve or cure diseases.
I really like the area of research, I think there are a lot of things to discover and that can help the population to live better, but if one day I enter the research area, I will do my studies in skins or synthetic systems and not in mice , since I'm against the use of animals for research, especially when today there are other methods to work.

I would also like to do a postgraduate study about medicine, since I will need it if I choose the clinical area of pharmacy. It could be related to pediatrics, and then work with them in the hospital.
The clinical area is one of the most I like so far, although at some point I would like to dedicate myself to research.
I still have not thought well where I would like to do graduate studies, I would like to continue studying at the Universidad de Chile, but at some point I would also like to go abroad to perfect myself as a professional. If I decide to dedicate myself to research, I think it is best to study abroad, since Chile has fewer resources and less experience in that area.
Finally, I think the best are the face-to-face and experiential classes, although there are topics where you do not need to go to a class to learn them, just read.

Wednesday 4 October 2017


In these two years of university career I have known many areas in which a QF can work, but the areas that I liked the most so far is the clinical area and Investigation.

In the clinical area, I would work together with patients hospitalized and I worry about  their medication, so my workplace would be the hospital, or I woluld in a laboratoy doing investigations on new compounds and molecules.

But I have a lot plans to my future. I would like to do a Doctorate about Organic Chemistry because is the area of chemistry that I like the most and I could work investigating on that or do a postgrade relationated about Medicine, as that would help me to work in clinical pharmacy. Also I would like to do a mission in Africa or Haiti for a time and work helping people, do some study abroad and travel a lot for the world.

About my salary I have high expectations since I could do many things with that, as have a pet shelter (it is one of my dreams), travel with my family, finance some project or simply enjoy good economic stability.

Finally, I can say that I still have a long way to go and that my tastes for the areas can change a lot, the only thing certain is that I love my career.