Tuesday 7 November 2017


Personally, I would make many changes to the curriculum,since I find it too stressful, exhausting and I think there are many courses that do not work.
The basic career plan has 3 mathematical courses, including statistic, and 2  physicists. I think it would be fine just 2 math courses, including something of statistic, and just a physical subject.This would reduce the hourly load of the first year and eliminate the material l that does not serve us as pharmaceutical chemists.
I would change the semester in which "Organic chemistry Laboratory 1" is given, and I would put it after "Organic chemistry 1", since when we worked in the laboratorywe did not understand what we were doing.
It would eliminate the third introductory course of the career "Research for the pharmaceutical sciences", since it is a horrible course that does not make any sense.
I would do physical-chemistry more didactic, since in the classes I get bored and I do not like the course, but I think that it is important for this career.
It would reduce the students for each course, since, sometimes, there are many students in a room and those who sit back can not see the blackboard.
Definitely I think that some professors is not trained to impart the course. There are teacher that only  read de ppt and that is verry boring. Personally I like more when they do classes on the blackboard, I think it is much more didactic, although for some courses the ppt is necessary.
Finally I think that we need a larger place to eat, more computers, a larger library and more green areas.


  1. yeah I also hate those subjects that doesn't make sense

  2. I agree, Organic chemistry laboratory would have so much sense in that order

  3. to eliminate introductory subjects!

  4. yes! the introductory courses not are necessary

  5. woooo...
    you would change many things of the program !!!
