Tuesday 14 November 2017


I have never been good for English, and although I like it, it has always been very difficult for me.
The truth, is that I do not spend much time learning english. There are always other priorities, for example in the high school, my priorities were the mathematical and scientific branches, then my priority was the PSU, and now in the university the subject chemical become priorities.

When I arrived at the university, I thought that I would finally learn English, but I have learned much less than I imagined. Although my English level is considerably higher compared to a few years ago.
I do not blame the professors or the university, because as I said, I have not spent much time on this, but I think sometimes the course becomes very monotonous and I think that  could be applied other teaching techniques.

Blogs have helped me a lot to improve my writing and my vocabulary in English, but I still cannot understand when they speak to me in English.I would have liked that in the English courses we had worked more the audition in English.

I plan to work hard to learn English, I would like to take a course later in an institute, where I can learn and improve my English. I would also like to travel abroad and take a course, I think I could learn much more.For now,  I will continue to do listen and translate the songs in English that I like and watch movies and series in English with subtitles.I will try to do it more often since I do not normally use it in my daily life.

I know that in a couple of years, English will be essential, since I will have to read many papers for university, and when I enter the world of work, English will be much more important.So I hope I can really learn it.

Tuesday 7 November 2017


Personally, I would make many changes to the curriculum,since I find it too stressful, exhausting and I think there are many courses that do not work.
The basic career plan has 3 mathematical courses, including statistic, and 2  physicists. I think it would be fine just 2 math courses, including something of statistic, and just a physical subject.This would reduce the hourly load of the first year and eliminate the material l that does not serve us as pharmaceutical chemists.
I would change the semester in which "Organic chemistry Laboratory 1" is given, and I would put it after "Organic chemistry 1", since when we worked in the laboratorywe did not understand what we were doing.
It would eliminate the third introductory course of the career "Research for the pharmaceutical sciences", since it is a horrible course that does not make any sense.
I would do physical-chemistry more didactic, since in the classes I get bored and I do not like the course, but I think that it is important for this career.
It would reduce the students for each course, since, sometimes, there are many students in a room and those who sit back can not see the blackboard.
Definitely I think that some professors is not trained to impart the course. There are teacher that only  read de ppt and that is verry boring. Personally I like more when they do classes on the blackboard, I think it is much more didactic, although for some courses the ppt is necessary.
Finally I think that we need a larger place to eat, more computers, a larger library and more green areas.